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Library Databases (Electronic Resources): Email Article with APA Citations from Library Databases

To access the Databases from off-campus, you must log into MyMonroe.* If you are unable to see the Library Resources icon, please call IT at 646-393-8290 and request correction of your status from "Member" to "Student."

Download Your Articles with Pre-Formatted APA Citations

When you find an article you would like to use in your Research paper, essay, or project, ALWAYS save it by downloading it from the database—even if you print a copy, you should save a backup copy.

This way, you will be able to copy and paste source material directly into your research paper (with proper in-text citations, of course!) and have all of your citation information available to copy and paste into your References page. 

  • Copy and paste the article title into the Subject Field of the library database—see the example below. This will eliminate confusion when you scroll through your Inbox and allow you to find articles you sent to yourself easily.
  • Under Citation Format, Select APA 7 (American Psychological Association) - The article will arrive in your Inbox with a pre-formatted APA-style citation, which you can copy and paste directly into your References page for APA Research Paper.
  • Select the HTML Full Text or PDF Download Option

Download Articles and APA Citations

ALL Databases offer the ability to 
Download Full Text Articles and APA Citations

When you use the Full-text function in the databases, your search results will show articles that you can download in their entirety. Be sure to download the full text of all articles you wish to use for your paper, and be sure to download and save the APA 7 citation for all articles you download.


All Databases Offer Tools to Download Full Text of Articles and Cite in APA 7 Format


Use the illustration above to locate these functions in the database toolbars, or download How to Use the Databases for full details and instructions.

Email Article from any ProQuest Library Database

For ProQuest Databases

Image of Instructions for Emailing an article with full text and APA 7 Citation from the ProQuest Databases

Email Articles with APA Citation from any Ebscohost Library Database

For Ebsco Databases: 

Image of Instructions for emailing full text of an article with APA 7 citation from Ebsco Databases

Email Article from any Gale Library Database

For Gale Databases:

Image of Instructions for emailing Full Text of an article with APA 7 citations from Gale Databases