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Education Resources: Open Access Resources

This guide will help you become aware of high quality information on childhood education from the college library, web resources, and professional organizations.

OER Commons

ISKME and OER Commons

ISKME's OER initiatives aim to grow a sustainable culture of sharing and continuous improvement among educators at all levels. In 2007, ISKME launched OER Commons, its digital public library and collaboration platform, informed by the organization's pioneering efforts in knowledge management and educational innovation. OER Commons offers a comprehensive infrastructure for curriculum experts and instructors at all levels to identify high-quality OER and collaborate around their adaptation, evaluation, and use to address the needs of teachers and learners. Diving into OER Commons is an exciting opportunity to collaborate with other educators and learners, at the forefront of a new educational era. 

More Open Education Resources

Education 2 (OER)

(This is a list of repositories for open educational resources. Also see the OAD list of OER lists, in our section of Lists maintained by others. For repositories for research in the field of education, see Education 1, above.)

  • CSTA Voice. "The CSTA Voice is your resource for analysis and commentary on issues related to K–12 computer science education issues."
  • MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching).
  • Open Stax CNX (formerly Connexions - Rice University's Open Source Educational Materials portal)
  • RELPE (Red Latinoamericana Portales Educativos/ Latin American Network of Education Portals).